
"self-pity, is the twin sister of self-love. They both make one forget the world and only see themselves." 
(from "Elements - PART II - WATER: The Transfiguration of Elijah" by A Priest Of The Oriental Church)

I think we have forgotten how to suffer as Christians. 

The suggestion that we could find meaning in suffering is offensive to many. Some even hear it as adding suffering to those who are already hurting. The voice of suffering is the loudest and most authoritative. 

Perhaps this is due to a rebalancing, from times when it has been ignored. If that is the case, then I think there may have been an overcompensation. Based on the way we seem to view suffering now, Job's voice matters more than God's.  

But, the alternative to meaningful suffering is meaningless suffering. And I think that makes for a nearly unbearable kind of suffering. Nihilism is the alternative to meaningful suffering. 

Look at how these Christians spoke about suffering-



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