Jesus is revealed as the one Scripture is pointing to- Luke 4
Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Psalm 19; 1 Corithians 12: 12-31; Luke 4: 14-21 There is an interesting thematic thread running through most of our readings today. In Nehemiah, the people have been returning from Exile, under the leading of Nehemiah as their governor and the priest Ezra. They gather the people and read from the Torah, the Law of Moses. And as they read they give interpretation, which is to say they were preaching on what they were reading, so people could understand what the Torah was saying. The people seemed to have been largely uneducated regarding the Law, and they begin weeping, presumably because of the ways their people had failed to keep the Law and have now endured the consequences by being taken into exile in Babylon. … And perhaps they weep because of the faithfulness of God in light of their own people’s rebellion. … But, instead of weeping, they are told to celebrate with rich food and wine. Their leaders, Nehemiah and Ezra, urged them to tr...