Pentecost 2020
Numbers 11:24-30; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Acts 2:1-21; John 20:19-23 It is a good rule that if we want to understand the Bible, we should look to understand the context- We should ask how people living at that time would understand what was happening. To begin, it’s important for us to understand that the disciples were in Jerusalem, and that there was a festival happening. Pentecost was actually a Jewish festival. It was the second of three harvest festivals. It is also sometimes called the Feast of Weeks because it took place seven weeks (or 50 days) after the Passover ( Pentekostos means ‘fiftieth’). It was also a time to observe the anniversary of the giving of the Law and the establishment of the covenant at Mount Sinai, which was believed to have happened 50 days after the Exodus from Egypt. People would gather at the Temple to celebrate and make offerings. Jerusalem would have been filled with people from all over, since the temple was the only place you w...