
Showing posts from June, 2024

Who is this man? Mark 5

Mark 5:21-43 In our gospel reading last week we saw Jesus calm a storm that the disciples were worried might sink their boat. That miracle was a declaration that Jesus is master over the natural world. The wind and the waves obey him. The chaotic waters are calmed and put in order. Just before today’s reading, earlier in Mark chapter 5, Jesus casts out a legion of demons from a gentile man (5:1-20). The message is that even a legion of demons is no match for Jesus. He is master over spiritual beings. In today’s Gospel reading we see Jesus’ authority over sickness and death. This is a part of Mark’s ongoing answer to the question, “who is Jesus?” Throughout the Gospel, Mark wants you to keep asking that question. Our reading today has two interwoven stories that involve women. The leader of the Synagogue, named Jairus, approaches Jesus and falls at his feet, begging him to come and heal his very sick little girl. … He is not a Rabbi. In our traditi

Yup, Giants! 1 Sam 17

1 Sam 17:1,4-11,19-23, 32-49; 2 Cor 6:1-13; Mk 4:35-41 This is going to be a weird one. There is interesting background to the David and Goliath story that I’ve become aware of over the last year. It’s probably going to be strange if you haven’t heard this before, but in order to understand the Biblical writers this seems like an important piece to understand. It’s right in front of our eyes when we read the Scriptures, but we often read over it without paying much attention to it. … What I’m referring to are giants. In Genesis chapter 6, just before the flood, we read about the Nephilim (6:4). Some Bible translations will translate that word to say “giants”. [1] They are said to be the product of spirit-beings called “sons of God” and human women. Fast forward to when the Hebrews are rescued from slavery in Egypt and are led by Moses to the Promised Land. They send scouts ahead of them. The scouts come and report that they saw the descendants of Anak there, who are described as comi