Easter Sunday- How does Jesus save us?
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 ; John 20: 1-18 During Holy Week we focus on Christ’s journey to the cross, and then on Easter morning we celebrate his resurrection. It is a profound thing to take time to meditate on the events that lead up to his death and resurrection- The Triumphal Entry, the betrayal, Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, the gift of the Lord’s Supper, the agonizing trial, torture, and crucifixion. We follow as his body is lovingly prepared for burial and placed in the tomb, and then we wait… and on Easter morning we celebrate the shocking and earth shattering reality that Christ has risen from the dead. One of the obvious themes for Holy Week and Easter is salvation. Jesus has done something for us that we could not do for ourselves. He has saved us. So, this morning I want to look at what we mean when we talk about Jesus saving us. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware was a monk, bishop, and theologian who just died in 2022. And he describes the work of Christ fo...