The New Adam- John 20
Acts 5:27-32; Psalm 118:14-29; Revelation 1:4-8; John 20:19-31 The Bible begins with human beings in a beautiful garden- paradise. They have a life of perfect relationships with God, with each other, and with the rest of creation. They live in harmony. … But they decide to believe a lie, that God really doesn’t want what is best for them- that God is hiding good things from them. And to get at those good things they have to ignore God’s directions. … The human beings decide to eat from the forbidden tree that provides the knowledge of good and evil. … So far, they have only known good, but now they have to leave the garden to experience evil. They rejected God, and God’s guidance for their lives. That sin infected all the generations like a virus. Jealousy leads to anger and then violence. Pride led to the need to protect one’s status using lies and manipulation. Living with the possibility of violence led to fear and prejudice and inhospitality towards the other. Sin manifests i...