Trinity Sunday

Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 We have now completed the major cycles of the Church year. Starting in Advent when we expect the coming messiah (and his coming again), then we moved into Christmas and celebrated the incarnation (God with us- in the flesh). From there we moved into Epiphany when we see the manifestation of Christ’s power and divinity, and then we followed Christ into the desert for the 40 days of Lent as (in repentance) we seek to be purified as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter (where we remember the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus). The season of Easter is completed with Pentecost, which is after Christ ascends and God sends the Holy Spirit to fill the disciples to carry on his mission. … And it is appropriate that, as this part of the cycle completes, we are given the vision of the Trinity as we enter into Ordinary Time, or the Season after Pentecost. In the Book of Common Prayer, the upcoming season is named according to its relatio...