The Good Shepherd- John 10:11-18

Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 There is an author named Philip Yancey who wrote a book called “The Bible Jesus Read”. It’s all about the Old Testament, which, of course, was the Bible Jesus read. Those were the Scriptures he studied and prayed with. They shaped his religious imagination. So, we will often miss what Jesus is saying if we don’t look into the Old Testament to see the images and thoughts that shaped Jesus’ teaching. I think this is true with the images of the shepherd and the sheep. … So, I want to just read a few of these passages for us. … Keep in mind as I read these that we are the flock of God being described here, as well. These are our spiritual ancestors. I invite you to hear yourself as a part of God’s flock in these passages. When Joshua succeeds Moses and becomes the one to bring the people into the Promised Land, the book of Numbers says, “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint someone over the congregati...