Lent 1- Baptism and the Flood

Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 We have now entered into the season of Lent. The practice of observing Lent began sometime in the 200’s. That was a time when being a Christian could be quite dangerous, and it was also a time when Christianity was spreading deep into the Roman Empire to people who had very little experience with Judaism or the Hebrew Scriptures. For Jewish people who came to believe in Jesus they already had a lot of the basic beliefs and practices in place- they had a solid foundation. However, Gentile Pagans needed more time and training to understand what they were getting themselves into. The time of Lent became a time when new converts prepared for their baptism, which would happen at Easter. The preparation would involve intense study of Scripture, and the abandonment of cultural values that were contrary to their new Identity in Christ. It was a time of repentance. They seriously considered what it meant to become a Christian, an...