Practices that Strengthen Community- Encouragement

Isaiah 40:27-31; Psalm 91; Heb 10:19-25; Jn 14:25-31 A couple months ago the clergy of the diocese had a virtual meeting with a psychologist who gave us some strategies for weathering the strange times we are in. He gave a lot of helpful advice. Most clergy have done a bit of training in mental health, and most have at least a bit of experience with mental health challenges. So, a lot of the advice was known, but a review is always a good idea. I think C.S. Lewis once said that we need reminding more than we need to be taught new information. So, it is good to be reminded of these things we can do to strengthen our mental health. To deal with the stress that comes with all the consequences of dealing with the pandemic, he suggested things like- keeping active (e.g. going for walks everyday that are at least half an hour), talking to others about how your are feeling (rather than bottling your feelings up), eating well (rather than eating junk food, even if it is temporarily comfo...