Easter- The Cross and Resurrection
John 20:1-18 It's hard for us to understand how the disciples felt after Jesus' crucifixion. Just a week earlier Jesus was riding into Jerusalem. He came as their king. The people were singing and shouting, “Hosanna!”, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”, “Blessed is the king of Israel!”. Those who had been with Jesus for the last 3 years had been hoping and waiting for this day. Finally, Jesus will take his place as the people's true king- the Messiah. … What was it like to be with Jesus entering the city, believing that this will change everything? Justice. Peace. A good King. Suddenly things change. Jesus is betrayed. He is arrested. His followers are frightened. Jesus stands before the authorities under the weight of heavy accusations. Suddenly, the man they had put their hopes in is being made to look like a criminal. The goodness of Jesus is being overshadowed by accusations of heresy, blasphemy, and treason. The true King ...