On the Occasion of the Ordination of Deacons and Priests- John 21

John 21:15-19 I have some memories that make me cringe. I’m sure you have these too. You are driving, or in the shower, or on a walk and suddenly this memory flashes into your mind. And you can’t help but cringe. We can have very physical responses to these memories. When I was in Junior High I had a brutal fear of girls. Not all girls, just the ones that found me attractive. I live with some awkwardness at the best of times, but that fear would turn into flat out strangeness and avoidance. I remember going to a Much Music Dance party with my first girlfriend Lindsay. I was rocking my MC Hammer pants, and a t one point, Lindsay in desperation threw herself to the ground in the hopes that I would offer her my hand to help her get up, which would result in us holding hands. I didn’t clue in and I didn’t offer her my hand to help her up. …. I think back on that moment and I cringe. Later (Lindsay and I were no longer dating at this point if you can imagine that) th...