Learning the Ways of God- Psalm 25

Psalm 25 When God set in motion a plan to heal the division between Himself and humanity he began with one man. He made a covenant with Abraham, and God promised that his family would be a blessing to all the families of the world (Gen 12). Abraham’s family grew into a nation called Israel. And God says, through the Prophet Isaiah, that Israel will be a light to the nations (Is 49). God was going to use this family to reform humanity. Unfortunately, Israel was unwilling to live up to their calling. They grumbled against God and desired slavery in Egypt. They entered into a cycle of calling out to God when they were in trouble and He would save them, but then they would reject God when things seemed okay. The cried out for a king, which was a rejection of God as their king. They worshiped strange gods. They became inward focused and forgot about their call to be a light to the nations, and a blessing to all the families of the world. Israel faile...