Lent 3- Sloth
Prov 6:6-19; Psalm 90; Eph 5:15-20; Lk 13:6-9 We are continuing our examination of the Seven Deadly Sins which are the major diseases of the soul. This week we are looking at the sin of sloth. Sometimes it is called acedia. We usually think of sloth as laziness, but that is only partially true. Sloth gets in the way of your goal as a human being- which is to love and serve God. Our calling includes a ‘general calling’ (that is common to all of us), but we also have a ‘specific calling’ (which is unique to us as individuals). The general calling that All Christians share includes things like worshiping God, studying Scripture to learn the ways of Jesus, praying, showing gratitude for our life, loving others, living honestly, working to create a just society, and so on. You might think of these as our Baptism vows. Our general calling is the way of life for all Christians. To neglect this call on our life is sloth. As well as the general calling that we...